20th Southgate Scout Group
Our Charity Work
An important part of being a member of the 20th Southgate is charity work and our Cubs are expected to get involved in this. Since 2016 we have supported a number of charities:
2016 - £175 for Mary's Meals
2017 - £182 for the Memory Lane Café and Carers' Club
2018 - £387 for Operation Fish and £58 for the Nightingale Cancer Support Centre
2019 - £417 for Rephael House
2020 - £268 for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution
2021 - £150 for the Blue Cross, £160 for London's Air Ambulance and £100 for the Memory Lane Café and Carers' Club
2023 - £100 for Cats Protection following a talk about their work at one of our meetings, £50 for the World Jamboree Fund and (with thanks to Annette for the suggestion) two Christmas hampers made for families as part of Help for Hunger.
2024 - Charity work is a major focus for this year and in the Spring term we raised £1,211 for "In Sue's Name" which you can read about HERE. During the Summer term we are supporting the North London Hospice and updates will follow HERE.