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Start of the Spring Term 2025
It's hard to believe that we have already been back for nearly a month! After our welcome back meeting, the Cubs worked hard to complete the International Badge including making pizzas and then making 'music', I am sure we will never look at a whistle in the same way again! A brilliant session with Paul from the Enfield Karate Club was the theme for week three in keeping with the tradition of providing a variety of different activities. Lots more to come in the weeks ahead!

Environmental Conservation Badge
Following on from the karate session, weekly meetings during the Spring Term included an evening of games and activities planned by our brilliant Young Leaders Alex, Louisa and Ollie (helping to count towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award) and a gymnastics evening in the Large Hall, so hopefully again something for everyone. The final meeting before half-term saw the Cubs working hard towards the Environmental Conservation Badge, one of the more difficult badges to achieve. The Cubs came up with ideas in which to save energy before showing great imagination to devise anti-littering adverts and slogans. They next discussed the pros and cons of solar, wind and tidal renewable energy before finishing up with junk modelling, during which they discussed which of the items of 'junk' could and could not get recycled. That wasn't the end of the story and in order to complete the badge they needed to complete another task such as help look after a garden or make a bird feeder or something out of recycled material. As I said, one of the more difficult badges to achieve and everyone who has completed it should wear it with pride.

Southgate District Chess competition
Cub Scouting should provide a range of different activities for the young people who are members, the range of which would not be found under any other type of organisation. One important feature is the District competitions which are available ranging from football, swimming and sports to a quiz and the Cub Trek orienteering challenge, which I think that every Cub should try at least once. The emphasis on all the District competitions is having a go and having fun, and trying your best. The first District competition each year is always Chess and this year a grand total of 9 teams took part. I am pleased to report that our A-Team finished up in second place. Well done to them all for having a go and trying their best and it looks as though they had fun as well! 

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