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Supporting "In Sue's Name"

During March 2024 the Cubs supported the local charity “In Sue’s Name” which was set up by David Taylor in memory of his daughter Sue Blasotta. Sue was also a much loved Mum of one of the members of our Cub Scout group.

The charity has the target of raising £1 million by 2027 to provide crucial research funds to support the Blizard Institute in Whitechapel.

The charity organised a "Walk of Hope" during March and the Cubs got fully involved in this.

The challenge began at our meeting on Thursday 7th March when we went on a night hike around Whitewebbs Woods in Enfield. The circular walk was around 4km long and took the Cubs an hour to complete – everyone enjoyed the adventure although the recent rain meant that we all returned with lots of mud from the local countryside on our boots!

We jumped at the opportunity to run the coffee morning at St. Monica’s Church after the 9:00am and 10:30am Masses on Sunday 10th March. Although the combination of it being Mothering Sunday and yet more heavy rain meant that there were less customers than usual, we were delighted to raise £265.50 to add to our fundraising total. We enjoyed telling the parishioners about our walking activities during March and they were also very impressed to see the huge quantities and varieties of badges which had been achieved by our older Cubs!

The chance to clock up more kilometres - and do something a bit different - came at our meeting on Thursday 21st March when the Cubs went on a very brisk walk from our HQ in Cannon Road up to Southgate Circus and back, combined with a survey of the chips from three of the restaurants there! 

The last of our organised activities and the highlight of our walking challenges was arranged for Sunday 24th March as a five mile walk around the Enfield countryside. Despite heavy and persistent rain in the days before, the afternoon of 24th March was bright and sunny and saw 10 of our Cubs full of enthusiasm for the challenge ahead. The walk took us out into the countryside making good use of the paths which have been lovingly restored and maintained by The Enfield Society, and during it we saw sheep, a pair of red kites and some model aircraft. One parent commented: "It was a lovely muddy walk!" During the walk we continued to receive some sponsorship and thank you to all the adults who accompanied the Cubs.

The walk on Sunday 24th March isn't the end of the story because in addition to all of the organised activities mentioned above, every Cub was given the challenge of doing as much individual walking as possible during the month to add to our overall total. With thanks to all the Cubs who took part and submitted their results, we did have a clear winner - Olivia walked an amazing additional 109km during March.

It was now time to work out the final results and firstly, as a whole, our Cub Pack walked a total of 612km during the month of March. All of them added some Hikes Badge Stages too. The most important number, and with huge thanks to everyone who supported us, is that we raised a total of £1,211 for "In Sue's Name".

Whilst our fundraising webpage is now closed, should you still wish to contribute towards the work of "In Sue's Name" you can do this via the link to their website at the top of this page. 


Meanwhile, during the summer term we will be raising money for another amazing local charity, "North London Hospice" and I am sure that you will be hearing more about this. Thank you again for your support.

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