20th Southgate Scout Group
History of the 20th Southgate Scout Group
September 2018 - This short potted history was written by Hathi (Martin Dowling) with the assistance of Barbara Preece and Jeanne Smith plus many others. Any errors you may find are due entirely to Hathi.
Our Boy Scout Group began officially on 7th October 1959. It was named the 198th North London Boy Scout Group being part of the Scout county of London. The meeting place was a wooden green hut at the bottom of the drive where the existing HQ is now sited. This would now be next to the lowest playground of St Monica’s school. The first Group Scoutmaster was Tony Murphy (senior), the first Scoutmaster was Phil Law (Skip) and the first Cubmaster was Philip Holland (Akela).
When Philip Holland emigrated to Australia in 1964 Eileen Law and Jeanne Smith offered to help with the Wolf Cub Pack rather than see it close. Eileen Law became the next Wolf Cub Leader with Jeanne Smith as her assistant.
With the Scout Association’s “Advance Party” report to bring Scouting up to date with new uniform, new titles (Cubs, Scouts and Ventures) the group was renamed to the 20th Southgate on 16th February 1965 and became part of the new county of Greater London North.
The Cub Pack continued to grow and thrive. Then in Easter 1968 when the Cub Pack had 52 Cubs and twelve leaders it was split into two Packs. They were called the Wednesday and Thursday pack but all part of the one 20th Southgate (St Monica’s) Cub Pack. Eileen Law was the Cub Scout Leader of the Wednesday pack and Jeanne Smith the Cub Scout leader of the Thursday Pack.
The next Scout Leader was John McEwen followed by Ron Newton (1966-1971) who left due to a political difference and help start the 22nd Southgate Scouts. The next Group Scout Leader was Vince Oliva.
The first Rover Scout Leader was Ray Cartwright followed by Tony Murphy (senior) and then Don O’Shea.
In 1971 the new stone built HQ was finished and meetings started to take place there from September.
There was a time when Scout Leaders were hard to find!! During that time Roman Hoffmann took the reins followed by Pete Warmerdam with assistance from Barry Newcombe and Eddie Stone from the district. There followed a number of leaders who held the reins for a short time including Paul Siracusano, Dennis Egan and Chris Nagle who is now heavily involved with the 22nd Southgate Scouts.
When Eileen Law retired in 1974 the Cub Pack became one again and it was not too long before it was split again into an early and a late pack on a Thursday evening with Barbara Preece and Mary Nagle being in charge of each pack with Jeanne Smith in overall charge. Jeanne Smith also became Scouter in charge of the group.
A Scout Leader called John Paine came to run the Troop and started with extending the HQ. Then purchasing a minibus and going on camps overseas to Germany and Italy. The extension to the HQ was officially opened by the Rev. Robin Whitney on 16th March 1988.
When John Paine resigned Mick Sculpher took on the role of Scout Troop leader.
After Mary Nagle retired the Pack became one again with Jeanne Smith as Akela. Barbara Preece took over from Jeanne Smith when she retired. The Group Scout Leader was Mike Newby and with his wife Carol who began the first Beaver Colony of the group.
When Mike and Carol Newby moved to the West Country Charlie Hunt became Group Scout Leader and Christine Clark became the Beaver Scout leader
For a short time Martin Dowling became Scouter in charge and resigned when the Scout Troop was closed. Barbara Preece took over the role for a while although it is currently vacant - if you would be interested in knowing more about it please contact southgate.20th@hotmail.co.uk.
Then when Barbara Preece retired from being Akela Chris Kennedy stepped into the role as Cub Scout Leader and continues to this day.
In the summer of 2011 the Troop was restarted by Barbara Preece with help from Sarah Preece and others. It was very successful running until summer 2016 and numbered up to 24 Scouts.
The Troop participated in the Southgate District annual camps, Chiltern 20 and held a couple of winter camps. Sadly the leaders moved away or got married so the Troop folded by the summer of 2016. Some of the remaining Scouts moved to the 6th Southgate.
Following a very successful "come and see" evening on Tuesday 11th September 2018, we now await the next chapter in the story of having Scouts in our Group.
There follows a list of those who have helped with our Group - Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, or Venture Scouts. We say a big thank you to all of them.
Beaver Scout Leaders
Carol Newby
Christine Clark
Cub Scout Leaders
Phillip Holland
Eileen Law
Jeanne Smith
Barbara Preece
Chris Kennedy
Scout Leaders
Phil Law
John McEwan
Ron Newton
Chris Nagle
Roman Hoffmann
Pete Warmerdam
Paul Siracusano
Dennis Egan
John Paine
Michael Sculpher
Barbara Preece
Ian Lamb
Rover (Venture) Scout Leaders
Ray Cartwright
Tony Murphy (senior)
Don O'Shea
Group Scout Leaders
Tony Murphy (senior)
Vince Oliva
Phil Law
Jeanne Smith
Mike Newby
Charlie Hunt
Martin Dowling
Barbara Preece
Assistant Beaver Scout Leaders
Rose Newby
Sarah Clark
Moira Cox
Sheila Lovett
Frank Whitehead
Jackie Marteau
Pat Ashdown
Brigit Ashdown
Rose Griffiths
Mary Nagle
Maggie Kappes
Eugene Branco
Brenda Jamieson
Sally Jamieson
Gail Griffiths
Martin Dowling
Jean Newcombe
Rosemary Latham
Margaret Geary
Assistant Scout Leaders
Jeremy Mavin
Bernard Crawley
Austin Keenan
Eddie Stone
Barry Newcombe
Peter Gallagher
Mick Clegg
Peter Biss
Tina Caccavone
Frank Gray
Bert Chiappa
Margaret Hassin
Monica Wright
Elaine Alles
Paula McCall
John Kennedy
Debbie Austin
Jill Dean
Simon Newby
Pat Gallagher
Martin Rogers
David Preece
Moira Durdy
Jessica Durdy
Emily Brady
Peter McBride
Les Geary
Johan Barrett
Greg Egan
Vince Chiappa
Adrian Chiappa
Sam Gurney
Charlie Hunt
Tony Murphy (junior)
Sarah Preece
Robert Mills
Andrew Dench
Mark Cowles
Lucy Hunt
If your name or someone else’s name has been accidentally missed off or wrongly spelt please tell us.